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Creative Ireland 2021

Community collaboration project presented from 3rd - 23rd September 2021

Supported and funded by Westmeath County Council and Creative Ireland

In Praise of Shadows

In Praise of Shadows is a text based shadow installation that will be located below an existing sundial located at the Athlone Town Library exterior walls in September 2021.

As part of the project, I will be engaging with students from Coláiste Chiaráin with a class lesson on how sundials work and how to use science to create art.


In Praise of Shadows aims to use our most powerful and nurturing natural rescource - the sun - to directly communicate the message of focusing on the present moment.

Nature is literally speaking to us.

To watch the text appear and dissapear according to the suns visibility in the sky reminds us of how fleeting, and how special each and every moment we have really is.

Below:  Installation, student posters and sundial plate for assembly

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